
The English Drama Group of the PH Heidelberg presents:
Imagine you come home to find someone sitting in your kitchen. A stranger. They have not taken or destroyed anything – they have just sat down at your kitchen table. They haven’t done any harm yet – but does that mean they won’t ever do any harm? What would you do? Welcome to the future... a world where bio-engineered, AI-operated robots have become almost indistinguishable from human beings. They are everywhere. Some of them exist under cover. Nobody knows who they are and what their intentions might be. Is it safe to have them living amongst us? Shouldn’t we know who is a robot and who isn’t? Clearly, not everything is what it seems. A group of volunteers is asked to find these undercover robots in our streets. Get into a car and go on a journey to discover what lies behind the illusion that we call reality.
I AM NOT A ROBOT is a taxi theatre production around Heidelberg presented
by the English Drama Group of the PH Heidelberg
Important Information:
I AM A ROBOT is a site-specific taxi theatre production.
This means that you will be spending the duration of the play being driven around Heidelberg from one performance space to the next in cars. You will be asked to get out of the car at various points during the trip to watch scenes both indoors and outdoors. So please do not bring any bags and be sure to be wearing adequate clothing.
If getting in and out of the car represents a problem for you, please indicate this when buying your ticket by specifying the kind of assistance you may need.
The duration of the play is 90 minutes. However, due to the format of the production, the play may last longer depending on the weather and traffic conditions on the day.
The play will be in English. A German summary will be available at the door.
The English Drama Group does not accept liability for any damage caused by third parties on the road to people or belongings.
Please give your email address when buying your ticket since you will receive further information regarding starting and endpoint of the tour as well as about the play in general via email.
Age recommendation 14 years

The production I AM A ROBOT is being sponsored by
Carl & Carla car rentals.

Bei CarlundCarla kannst du Transporter mieten, XL Transporter (Crafter) aber auchKleinbusse (9-Sitzer).
Die Autovermietung ist mit ihren Kleintransportern deutschlandweitverfügbar. Egal, was du vor hast, ob Umzug, Einkauf, Reise oder Gruppenausflug, hierfindest Du das richtige Fahrzeug für dich. Den Transporter Carl, Crafter Carlos und den9-Sitzer Carla kannst Du bereits ab 29 € mieten. An den verschiedenen Standorten kannstdu ganz spontan und kurzfristig oder bis zu ein Jahr im Voraus buchen. Bezahle einfachbequem online und kautionsfrei. Eine Kreditkarte wird nicht benötigt. Das Fahrzeug kannrund um die Uhr über Dein Kundenkonto mit dem Smartphone oder telefonisch innerhalbunserer Geschäftszeiten von 8 - 20 Uhr abgeholt und zurück gegeben werden.Günstig, schnell & unkompliziert – Transporter mieten bei
More tickets may be available at the box office for all events